Friday, August 14, 2009

While you've been gone...

Dear Ben,
I can think of only one good reason that I'm glad you are not with us. Your poor sister has lice. Thankfully her hair is brown so that I can spot the little buggers easier. I got to thinking tonight. It's a really good thing you aren't with us at this time...even though I MISS you terribly. Think about your beautifuly wrinkled scalp. I bet the lice would have a FIELD DAY on your head. It's like built in caves and ravines. How would we ever find them in such deep places? Until we get this LICE thing under control, I'm grateful that you are itch free over at B's house.
Just know how much I can't WAIT to wrap my arms around you...
and SMOOCH your kissable cheeks about a thousand times.
Until then...stay well and safe.
I LOVE you my strippling warrior! :)


shirlgirl said...

Love that precious Benji. He is well loved and being well taken care of until you are able to care for him yourself. You are blessed with wonderful friends who totally pitch in in your hour of need.

April said...

Oh I just love you guys! I love the picture of you two together. It doesn't get much better than that!

Jo Jo said...

That middle picture is a great long hair shot.

Unknown said...

trying hard not to feel responsible for your separation over here...

Eleyna Julia said...

There's just a special bond between boys and their mommys. Ben is lucky to have such an elect mother. My heart aches over your separation. I can't wait for you two to be reunited!!!