PICU Day 4
I slipped home last night for a quick visit with my family. Ben was holding his own so I felt comfortable enough to do so. They have been weaning his vent settings yesterday and today so he is making steady progress. I came back today and a couple hours later he spikes a fever. It's his way of telling me that he's mad for being left behind. Sorry Ben. I promised him that if he would hurry and get better, we could BOTH sneak away. He's thinking about it...
These kiddos just don't understand that sometimes mamas need to sleep and hang with their spouses for two seconds. They're so sweet they get away with being quite demanding. Love you guys!
Oh dear, NO MORE FEVERS! Let's not have any more funny buisness little Ben! Get better so you can sneak on home!
how's his breathing???
Much better, thanks for asking. :) Probably because he's on the vent...he LOVES that machine, life is much easier riding the wave. (silly boy)
Oh Ben, you have to give mom a break. Get well big guy, we are sending lots of hugs and prayers.
Ben's cute like that.
Sorry the fever returned! Glad you got to go home, though.
I'm sure it was good to be home with the family. Sorry that Benji has a fever and hope it is short-lived and that he recuperates quickly. I'll bet he misses his own bed.
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