Here are some more pictures from the ER and Mass General part of our stay. This first picture is after Ben received a dose of Vancomycin. You can't really tell, but his face turned all red from getting it too fast.
Here is the phlebotomist getting blood on the first try. It was a miracle.
Ben spiked another fever while waiting for transport to Boston.
The DHART crew picked us up and drove Ben to Boston.
Unloading him...
It was a COLD night...3am arrival.
Ben's IV from the ER blew on the way down, so this is the ONLY place they could find a vein.
Here are the four IO attempts en route to Boston.
Sick Ben
More fevers
Because IV's never last, a PICC line was put in the next morning.
It went in on the first try.
Ben's vent
A different angle of his PICU room.
(you can see my bed in the background)
Another angle of his room.
ER and Mass General stay January 25-28th.